Circadian Rhythms and a Nobel Peace Prize

My ears perk up when I hear about a Nobel Peace Prize going to someone studying molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythms. The Chinese thousands of years ago came up with a clock that divides the twenty-four-hour cycle into 2-hour blocks of time that tell when our organs ( stomach, spleen, heart, small intestines etc.) work at their peak. I’m not sure if this is the same as what the Nobel Peace Prize is studying, but it is interesting to think about.

A second study that caught my attention was drawing on cellphone call records of more than a million people shows that the times of the day when they are active grew longer and shorter over the course of the year, waxing and waning with the daylight. The Sun governs our body clocks. In the depths of the winter, it is time for us to become less active and rest more…….to stay in accordance with the laws of nature.

I find it fascinating when the wisdom of the ancients is corroborated by modern science.